Beisakhmet Azamat Almatuly, 2008-2012 studied at the Geographical Faculty of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University (specialty 050902 - Tourism). In 2014, he graduated with honors from the Master's degree in the specialty "6N0902 - Tourism" of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, having defended his master's thesis on "Risk factors in tourism development". In the same year, he was hired as a teaching assistant at the department of recreational geography and tourism. Currently, he is a teacher at the department of recreational geography and tourism. During his work as a teacher, he proved himself on the good side both in terms of conducting classes and in terms of social and educational work at the department. Conducts classes in disciplines in the Kazakh language. Classes are conducted at the proper theoretical and pedagogical level using modern teaching technologies and office equipment. He is an honorary member of the Club for the development of tourism and sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Zhastur" (KazNU). Participates in the organization and conduct of educational and training practice of students, has the 3rd category in sports tourism. Beisakhmet A.A. conducts scientific work, participates in scientific and methodological conferences, has experience in the management of research and development, including students in academic mobility. Actively participates in the social life of the department and faculty.


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